Learn some of the risks of combining substances

Learn some of the risks of combining substances
Combining two or more substances is especially risky because the effects on the brain and body are unpredictable.
What can happen when you combine substances
In general, the risks to your physical and mental health increase significantly when you combine two or more substances as it can lead to severe intoxication, poisoning, drug overdose and, in some cases, death.
Mixing substances can result in serious health problems including damage to the brain, heart and liver, seizures, heart attack, and stroke.
Mixing substances can increase the risk of addiction.
Alcohol increases THC absorption, so combining cannabis and alcohol can increase the risk of severe intoxication and impairment.
Combining other substances with opioids complicates the effectiveness of naloxone, as naloxone only counteracts the effects of opioids.
Mixing stimulants and depressants is dangerous because the results are unpredictable. The effects don’t cancel each other out.
Mixing alcohol and opioids significantly increases the risk of fatal overdose by suppressing the respiratory centers of the brain. You may stop breathing.
Mixing prescription medications with other substances can be dangerous. Talk to a doctor or pharmacist about potential drug interactions.