Think about your substance use

Take time to think about your relationship with substance use

Our use of and feelings about drugs and alcohol can change over time. It’s important to check in with yourself every once in a while.

Questions for self-reflection

It’s always a good idea to reflect on your relationship with drugs and alcohol. Here are some questions to get you started:

It’s also a good idea to talk to someone you trust about substance use. A friend, doctor, mental health professional, or an anonymous helpline. You can learn more in the resources section.

Ways to incorporate self-reflection into your life 

Here are some ideas for self-reflection:

  • Keep a journal and write down how you feel after using substances.
  • Create a “vision board” for the next year using images and words to describe your goals and intentions. Then consider your relationship with substance use and how it fits into your board.
  • Write down some positive affirmations you can use to support or lift yourself up when you practice self-reflection.
  • Check in with yourself before getting into a situation where you may consume substances. Is it right for you? If you decide you may consume substances, make sure you know how to reduce your risks

Benefits to reducing substance use 

Your self-reflection may lead you to consider reducing substance use. If you choose to do so, there are some benefits that you may experience:

  • Your overall physical and mental health and well-being may improve
  • You may sleep better
  • Your energy may increase
  • It may help you save money
  • Your relationships with friends and family may improve
  • You may feel better able to accomplish what you need to
  • By reducing or stopping cannabis use, you can reverse some of its effects and help improve your long-term mental health and brain function


If you find yourself ready to seek help, you can visit the Get help with substance use page for more information and available supports.

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