Know More Opioids

Since 2018 the Know More Opioids awareness program has been engaging with teens and youth across Canada on the facts about the overdose crisis, fentanyl, signs of an overdose, naloxone, the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act and the impacts of stigma on people who use drugs.

Rear view of large group of students raising their hands
Rear view of large group of students raising their hands

Have an ambassador join your classroom for a one hour experience to provide educational information, engaging activities, and an opportunity for questions and answers. *Currently only offered virtually

Use the online self-led module to learn about the overdose crisis. This module includes engaging activities, informative content, and discussion questions. You can go through the experience alone or it can be presented in a classroom or community setting. 

Know more opioids, activities screenshot
Know more opioids, activities screenshot

Get the facts, know the risks associated with opioid use and see how stigma impacts people who use drugs through interactive activities. At the end, you can test your knowledge with the questionnaire.

Image of Opioid Overdose resource sheet
Image of Opioid Overdose resource sheet

You can download, share and print any of the posters, factsheets and videos from Health Canada’s awareness resources for opioids to start a conversation with your students or group.

Smiling girl using laptop with wireless headphones
Smiling girl using laptop with wireless headphones
Find out more about opioids and the opioid overdose crisis at